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Frequently Requested Documents

Looking for some information about what to expect at MOSAICS?  You’ve come to the right place!  Links to our policies, academic calendar, and charter are here.  For more information about our school, scroll below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a charter school?
A charter school is an independently run public school that is granted greater flexibility in its operations in return for greater performance accountability. The “charter” establishing each school is a performance contract detailing the school’s mission, program, students served, performance goals and accountability metrics. As public schools, charters are free and open to all families. Charter schools are schools of choice. Students and parents have to make a proactive decision to attend a charter school. If the school does not meet their needs, they can leave and find another school that does.
Does it cost to attend?
No. MOSAICS Public School, like all charter schools, are free, public schools.
How do I enroll my student into a charter school?
A parent or guardian must submit an application for enrollment for their students to enroll. Applications submitted one week before the the date of the lottery to be entered into the lottery. These applications have the best chance of securing a seat. Applications for the next academic year's lottery are posted in January.
How does the lottery work?
As a charter school, we have 60 seats available to students at each grade level. Available seats are randomly lottered for each grade level annually. The lottery provides preference in the following order: 1) Founders and staff children (no more than 10 % of enrollment); 2) Siblings of enrolled children; 3) Children who live in the attendance area; 4) Children who live outside the attendance area. Once the lottery is held, families whose children were drawn for a spot will be notified about their child being enrolled. If one sibling in a family is picked in the lottery, the rest of the siblings will also be lottered into the school if a seat is available for the other grade level. If a child did not secure a seat in the annual lottery, they will be put on a waiting list in the order they were drawn. If an opening becomes available, the students on the wait list are called and offered the position.
What services do you offer for students with special needs?
Students who have Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) have access to Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech Language Pathology (SLP), and special education services. We have a full time special education teacher and a full time aide to support students with special needs.
How will students use technology in classrooms?
Technology is used in the classroom to enhance the educational experience, not replace the teacher. Our students use technology to research, to collaborate, and to create. We have 1:1 devices at MOSAICS.
Are there free and reduced-price breakfast and lunch programs?
MOSIACS Public School is a part of the National School Lunch Program. Families who qualify for free and reduced-priced meals can use the program at MOSAICS for both breakfast and lunch.
Is kindergarten all day?
MOSAICS is proud to offer full-day, every day kindergarten.
What are the focuses of your school?
MOSAICS Public School focuses on STEAM education through inquiry projects. We also focus on building community stewards--students who purposefully use their time, talents, and resources to improve the community around them.
Is busing provided?
Our school provides busing inside the attendance zone; however, with such a large busing area, we use group pick-up and drop-off bus stops. We try to locate these stops within 2.5 miles of our families' homes. While we try to make the busing routes as convenient as possible for families, your family may have to travel to a drop-off and pick-up point to access the bus.
What is the attendance area?
Students who live in the attendance area are given preference in the lottery.
Do students wear uniforms?
Students at MOSAICS wear uniforms. The uniform policy is posted above in the Frequently Requested Documents section.
When is the first day of school?
Please see the academic calendar posted above for all school dates.